Tom Shermer Imagery

Tom's Photojournal 2006 Q2 (Spring)

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Last update August 14, 2006

April–June Spring cleaning
June 30 Martins
June 29 Easter Bunny
June 28 Going small
June 16 The eagle has landed
June 11 and 17 Chasing a sparrow
June 10 Homebuilding
June 3 Here and there
May 21 No odd tern
May 19 Whimbrels on the mud
May 18 Goslings
May 14 Birdy at Queen E
May 13 Birdless at Queen E
May 7

Looking for Wilson

May 2 to 4 Ducklings and other critters
April 23 Pretty ladies
April 23 Tulip frenzy
April 22 A short Saturday
April 21 Just us locals
April 17 At the gardens
April 17 There and back again
April 15 Just say "aah"
April 14 Feedin' duckies
April 4 After work
April 1 A lost little lady

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